Ssssh It’s A Secret.....

Originally posted 9.22.2006
Ssssh It’s A Secret.....
It is a little known fact that I don't like people. I am totally antisocial, preferring the company of a good book, movie or even a bad movie to the company of others. This is not to say that I am not good with people. People tend to like me, which is funny…. Cuz I don't like people. I don't enjoy parties and I work best one on one. I am very sarcastic and sometimes harsh, but hey, when you don't like people none of that really matters.

People are often amused by me… if I do say so myself, I'm funny and most certainly I have my witty moments. This shit attracts people to me, which is a shame because….I don't like people. I'll be polite until they invariably say some shit they think is cute, which I interpret as flippant and then it's on. I become "difficult" because I realize that I don't need to be aggravated by someone I was merely humoring in the first place. My answers become short and I visibly begin to show my irritation at the situation. I figure, shit, if you catch me in one of my more forgiving moods, be thankful and tread lightly, because once I'm pissed off it's a wrap.

Try and manage not to do these things and you should be alright
1. Don't tell me what I need to do. That shit fuckin irks me
2. Don't walk me through shit step by step. It implies that you think I incompetent. I don't like that.
3. Don't argue with me about shit I say before you take the time to look it up yourself. Unless you have personal knowledge that I am wrong, look it up.
4. Don't tell me about your innermost thoughts and feelings. More often than not, I do not care.
5. Don't explain yourself to me. Do not ever demand that I explain myself to you. I owe you nothing
6. And on that note, don't ever act like I owe you something. I don't. I assume that when you give (whatever you choose to give), you are doing it without expectation. If not don't give. I cannot tolerate real or implied obligation.
7. Do Not Ever Pout in my direction. That is like the lowest form of nonverbal blackmail and something only children should resort to (because they don't have any better tactics). Man tha Fuck up.
8. Don't come at me wrong. Honking, hollering, whistles and indecent proposals will get you nowhere. I am a lady, come correct.
9. Calling me out my motherfuckin name will get you in a world of trouble. I do not take that lightly and best believe I go for the fucking jugular, so watch yourself.
10. Don't touch me. I don't like it. Unless it is someone I am seeing, or have known damn near forever or family. My skin cringes at unwelcome touching.
Those who know me know I have a soft side. Few see it, and it only comes out rarely but its there. It just takes awhile and gentle encouragement. Don't come on too strong; remember "I'm skittish, like deer."


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