The hottest shit you never knew about

The hottest shit you never knew about

Urban Policy Studies is so hot, my laptop almost melted.

When people ask me my major and I say Public Policy, I invariably get a puzzled look. Technically I have a BS in Urban Policy Studies with a specialization in public policy, but that shit just confounds those who were initially stumped by the “public policy” part so I normally just shorten that shit to save myself aggravation.

There is a Labor Movement slogan : “Unions: The Folks Who Brought You the Weekend”
Policy studies needs something like this so I am gonna try to sum up policy studies and make this shit more intellectually attainable.

Shit that Public policy brought you:

Olmsted: He made hot parks and shit. You’ve never heard of him. Its ok.
He made CENTRAL PARK. Yea…. Now what? Also Piedmont park.
College campuses: American University’s main campus, Gallaudet, Bryn Mawr, Harvard, Stanford, UC Berkley, Vassar, Yale. Look him up. He kinda was the shit.

Affordable housing and shit. Ok, we didn’t single handedly do this but a lot of it was us. Seriously. That’s what we’re about.

We also brought you the projects. Sorry about that one. Additionally we brought you Section 8 Housing.

Vouchers, we brought you vouchers. Education vouchers, Housing vouchers. Optional busing programs for desegregation.

Mixed income housing. Cuz we believe in diverse cultural and socio-economic mixes in neighborhoods.

Mixed use projects: All those places where you can live work and play…. That was us. Atlantic station. Downtown silver spring (okay that sucks alil but hey, Fuck Imma do?) That new shit in DC where the stadium is gonna be. That whole neighborhood. Policy in action, hoe.

We brought you planned communities in the suburbs. Yeah the creepy ones. Very 1950s
Stepford wives.

We brought you educational programs, reading programs, after school programs and we also evaluated the programs before they were enacted for feasibility, effectiveness and efficiency and once the program was in place we studied the outcomes to make sure it was doing good shit.

We are HUD.

We figure out how to deal with the problems people don’t feel like dealing with. The homeless, the elderly, the criminals, we figure out how to house, clothe and feed these people as best as we can through the constraints of bullshit politics, popularity contests and grandstanding that passes for government.

We deal with stop light placement, public transportation, Greenspace, and suburban sprawl.

We even figure out what to do when your BS town invites Wal-Mart to take over, offers them tax breaks for 5 years, saps the small businesses dry, exhausts the potential for financial gain and picks up and leaves after year 5.

We told you not to lay down infrastructure to cater to them, we warned you about giving incentives but you insisted. Now you have Wal-Mart PS 16. Enjoy.

Policy fucking rocks. Seriously. We are an underappreciated major, this shit is political science, economics, Marketing, psychology, sociology, statistics, and Government hustling 101 all in one package.

Next time someone gives me a confused look about my major I’m going to fuckin slap them. Bitch, this shit is a science. We make yall’s unarticulated dreams come to life son. We make the world a place you want to live in. PAY HOMAGE DAMMIT.


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