My emergency plan in case “Terror” pops off

My emergency plan in case “Terror” pops off

Everyone needs a contingency plan in case of Terror (by Terror, I mean a terrorist attack of some kind.)

My emergency plan in case “Terror” pops off is:

1. Terror will pop, I will be sufficiently terrified.

2. I will call Mr. Bigelow. We work in the same neighborhood.

3. I will ask him to meet me at Ozio’s.

4. We will get drunk while demanding discounts on drinks (because we aren't all Americans? and how can Ozio’s be so concerned with capitalist ideals at a time like this? and isn’t capitalism part of the problem and not the solution.?)

5. We will be kicked out of Ozio’s.

6. We will wander over to 1223 and get Drunker. Hype will fall down and I will engage in torrid conversations with the bouncers.

7. If we are not too drunk, we will go to Steve’s bar room. I will encourage Hype to pole dance while I wave around a single dollar bill that I bummed off of the closest gentleman in proximity to me.

8. Hype will fall down again.

9. I will curse at no less that 5 people.

10. We will wander homeward, drunk.

11. Nap time. I will break out the extra big down comforter, cuz we are both quite tall and need it. We will sleep.

12. Hype will poke me by accident. I will knee him on purpose.

The End.


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