Fuck Income Taxes (Imma end up on a terrorist watch list 4 this)

Fuck Income Taxes (Imma end up on a terrorist watch list 4 this)

This is probably gonna get me on one of those terrorist lists……
Feelin Ass raped by the federal fucking government.
How the fuck you gonna penalize me for working?

You bastards have been rapin my check since I was 14. WHAT THE FUCK?

And additionally I get penalized for being single and without children. Yall have some fucking nerve. I should get a fucking bonus, damn it! Seriously.

When I have kids, I’m gonna rape the system for a change. WIC, EBT, you name it, Imma cash in. Be fucking mad when I’m swiping that EBT card for lobster tails and Filet Mignon. I give not a damn. I don’t even eat meat. Imma buy a dog and then feed that shit to him!

At this point I feel more than a little bit owed and if I could just wander through the Federal Government and shoplift shit (staplers, pencils, rolls of tape) I so fucking would! But alas I cannot so Imma do what I gotta do.

Social fucking security is not gonna be there for me when I’m old. No fucking way. I just paid into that shit for nothing. 401K’s, Roth IRA accounts and Aggressive Mutual Funds til I’m 37.

My grandmother once said to me (and I quote) “ I’m sick of paying for people on welfare.”

I told her “Bitch, I’m sick of paying for fucking everybody. Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, Social Security (that I will never fucking see)! I should be able to opt out of shit that I don’t feel like contributing to like education. I ain’t got no fuckin kids and god damnit I want every last cent back.. When I get some, I will gladly pay and smile about it. Til then- FUCK YOU! PAY ME!

I like user taxes. Like I USED this toll road so I pay. I USED this school so I pay. I bought some shit… so I pay. I get that shit.

What I don’t get is paying 1/3 of my fucking wages to the government. My money goes to shit I don’t even fucking believe in, like schools that teach abstinence only Sex Ed & Creationism, the war in Iraq, the war on terror, the war on drugs. WHAT ABOUT A WAR ON POVERTY?

My taxes have been shifted from causes I care about to shit I despise. There should be boxes on the tax form that ask me what I want MY taxes to go to. Then perhaps we will have a true Idea of what America really fucking wants.

I am quite fucking sick of politicians and special interests telling me what I’m supposed to care about. Like can we please stop fucking talking about gay marriage? If gay people want to marry, they should be able to get married and be just as miserable as the rest of us.

I get taxed and I don’t even get fucking representation. This is BULLSHIT!

Income taxes are ridiculous. Look that shit up.

No law actually requires you to pay that shit!

The Sixteenth amendment which states:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

That shit was never properly ratified.
Income taxes are robbery dammit. And unconstitional.

I am so fucking close to getting a cabin in the woods surrounded by tripwire and a high powered rifle. Declare myself a sovereign fucking nation. FUCK YOU! FUCK TAXES!

Told you this was gonna get me on one of those lists


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