Shit I learned today while the private side was down:

Shit I learned today while the private side was down:

  • Eve is sick. Bring her juice

  • You can only waste so much time surfing the internet before you wish you had real work to do

  • If I had a shit load of money and no sane friends, my life would probably look a lot like Britney Spear’s, expect I never would have married Kevin (you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife Wtf)

  • “Big trouble in little Chinatown” was by far the best thing to come out of the 80’s, ever!

  • When I get home, I’m gonna plant this garden thing that I bought. I will grow herbs and simultaneously learn patience.

  • When I don’t have shit else to do, my default is apparently shopping

  • I need a new vaccum and a hamper. I also do not know how to spell vaccum. Is it 2 c’s or 2 u’s or maybe even 2 m’s? I don’t know

  • I passed out at 10 pm last night. Missed the eclipse and still woke up sleepy. Booo!

  • Clinton should run for president and Obama should be her running mate. No one is going to murder the Woman president if they know that the vice president to succeed her is a Black male. This would ensure that they both avoid assassination. So long as they aren’t blown up together or something. I think that more people should think seriously about this possibility because if either of them is elected president separately, somebody is getting assassinated, like off break….

  • I do not like Jessica Alba. I think she is boring and that she lacks talent. I also feel the same way about Cameron Diaz.

  • I hate Hybrids. I think they tend to be ugly and I don’t think cars are meant to be run on anything besides gas.

  • I should go home and watch something gory tonight. I enjoy gratuitous violence and nudity in my films… and smoking. Lots of smoking.

  • Knight rider should have stayed gone…. And why bring it back without the Hoff?

  • The Lword hit a new low with the whole “Turkish oil wrestling” thing. Its like there was a brainstorming meeting and someone was like “OIL WRESTLING” and then they decided how they were going to work it into the script with no attempt to feign plausibility. Wtf? And what is with the owner of “Shebar”? Her lover is a hoe and every other phrase out of her mouth is “It’s fuckin on!”. Shit, whatever. I’d fuck Shane. Shane is hot. Like some androgynous version of Spanish fly. And her girlfriends still a hoe.


  • YAY! I get paid on Tuesday!!!

  • Booo! I have to pay rent with that money…. And parking and my car note. Fuck!

  • But YAY!!!! I get paid on the 15th and I just get to keep that money.

  • I love my mother but spending time around her makes me defensive and closed… Wish she’d chip in on my therapy bills

  • I think the private side is back up. I think I’m gonna eat lunch and then attempt to look busy.



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