The only 2 Reasons (in my mind) as to why he didn’t call

The only 2 Reasons (in my mind) as to why he didn’t call

Let me preface this by stating that this is most likely that testosterone time of the month. As such, I have little sympathy and even less patience. Into every life, some bitchyness must fall I guess.

Last Sunday I went to very interesting networking event in Atlanta. Its called Sushi Sundays and if your interested in attending one, Check out the website - sushi’s free, the liquor isn’t and it’s a once a month event in Atlanta for Black up and coming individuals. Anyway, I attended with my mother and met quite a few interesting characters, got more than a little tipsy and exchanged business cards and phone numbers with people who I wanted to keep in touch with.

Toward the end of the evening, “Becky” (the names have been changed to protect those who are innocently being play) who had been lamenting about why her “kinda sorta not really boyfriend (but it’s not official yet)” hadn’t called her all day, asked me a question.

“Becky”: Why hasn’t he called me all day?
Me: He’s fucking someone else.
“Becky”: I don’t think he is.
Me: Did you ask him?
“Becky”: No, but I don’t think he is.
Me: Well, Im just saying, if yall didn’t lay out that restriction, he probably is. Additionally, in my mind there are only 2 reasons a man doesn’t call.
Either A: He’s Busy.
Or B: He doesn’t want to talk to you.
Either way, given those two possible scenarios, I guarantee you, you probably don’t want to fucking talk to him either.

Possibly (really I mean probably) that was mean. But also it was quite honest. “Becky” is from Maine. “Becky” is dating (kinda sorta not really) Ashem, who is 40, never been married with no kids. “Becky” thinks this is great. I think “Becky” is a chump.

“Becky” is a chump (in my mind) for the following reasons:
  • Ashem (sp?) is 40, with no kids and has never been married. Ashem possibly just has yet to meet the right woman. But more than likely Ashem has commitment issues.

  • “Becky” talked about Ashem all night. “Becky” failed to notice that the entire table was exchanging glances with one another that screamed loudly, ““Becky”, You're Being Played”.

  • Ashem has a cell phone. His cell phone lacks voicemail (wait, ain't that shit free on most if not all phones) and also lacks text messaging capability (umm it’s 2008). Ashem might secretly be married.

“Becky” might not be a chump. I might just be entirely too cynical. “Becky” and Ashem might get married one day, and have kids with fucked up names like Dashiki. Who knows? I think I’ll skip that wedding tho, cuz knowing me, when the preacher asks if anyone has any objections, Id be the one snickering in the last row.


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