Take what you can get and pray that I don't get laid.

The level of blogging you get out of me all depends on what else I have going on. Really. It all depends. I like my blogs to be entertaining, well researched, edited and formatted.

Sometimes I don’t have time for that shit, and you only get max 2 blogs a week. Lots of shit goes down in my life that prevents me from getting my write on, which if I could, I would do daily.

For instance:

Sometimes I get busy:
This week has been hell. 11 hour days.
The end of the month always sucks because:
  1. I am always behind on my timesheet and I suck at keeping track of my billable hours
  2. I have a minimum billable hour goal. I don’t know why. I’m not a fucking lawyer. Fuck it.
  3. End of the month closeout is fuckery
  4. Paying rent is depressing
  5. Every month they give me a new project. The due date for this project always fucking coincides with closeout.

With all this going on, I’m lucky if I can remember to eat.

Sometimes I get laid:
And if I'm getting laid, I do not fucking care to write a damn thing. Also, if I’m getting laid, I have to sensor my work more, to make sure that I’m not pissing anybody off. This has not been the case recently. At all. I gets none.

Sometimes I’m too depressed to write:
Yall don’t want to hear sappy contemplative shit all the time. Sometimes yall let me get away with it, but I know if I do 2 in a row, without slippin in a stripper, hooker or crack story, Imma get complaints.

When I do have time to write, you get a variety of shit.

If I have a lot of time you might get:

  • People Math

    People Math takes a lot of thought. I have to think up, formulate and bullshit my way through alot of math, economics, physics, psychology, sociology and marketing to make that shit work. And because I graduated college 3 years ago, sometimes for accuracies sake I really have to do research to make the bullshit plausible.

  • Relationship revelations

    This can only happen when there is a relationship to have a revelation about and as stated previously, I haven’t gotten any lately so whatever.

  • The product of random conversations I’ve had with friends and family

    Normally when I write, it starts as an idea and I build on it until I have enough for a blog. I have lists of topics waiting to be written about. Sometimes they get stale and I never feel like writing a whole blog about that topic. I've still got this raw Penis blog that I never got around to completing.

    Sometimes it never builds up enough and it’s just random. Hence the Randoms . Sometimes it grows into one of the Strange Adventures Blogs. My adventures never seem that strange until I write them down. New Haiku says it’s all about my perception of the situations at hand.

When I’m short on time you're probably just getting Randoms . Or lists of some kinds. Or worst of all are the blogs that just quote other shit a lot, like the Crack is Funny blog.

I try to keep it fresh. I try not to dwell on the same topics. I try to keep it from getting bitter or hateful…. Except during PMS or testosterone time.

Hopefully I’ll have some time and will continue to not get laid this weekend.

If so, I should have some People Math
for you on Monday. But who knows? Anything could happen.


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