The Bubble theory (aka. Who doesn't love fucking Kappas?)

Preface: Recent events have reminded me of what is important and what is not. I have recently been dubbed the “Party Girl”. This is not the life I want to live or the legacy I want to leave. Yet if I am out constantly, this is exactly what I am doing. Rather than surrounding myself with people who genuinely love and care for me, I have gotten sucked into this world of sycophancy. I grow weary of this scene and the falseness that intrinsically comes with it. My writing has taken a hit because my brain is so fucking addled with tequila, lack of sleep and bullshit he said, she said drama that all I can do is write “Randoms”.

I was at “The Park” the other day and someone was asking me about my cross. I explained that my Aunt Mabel got me this cross a very long time ago and that I wear it because it reminds me of the people in my life who wanted better for me and that I should want better for myself as well. So, for those of you who know me and know what has been happening lately with my friends and family, just know that I am pausing for the cause of sanity because this fake ass frontin ass bullshit most definitely has me feelin some kinda way.

Now onward to the People Math.

The Bubble theory
If Hoing is physics and Booty calls are economics then basic sexual interaction equations most definitely boil down to marketing.

It’s a matter of demographics. The demographic that I most typically appeal to consists of men and women ages 19 to 45, Black or Hispanic, with a median income of roughly 40,000 dollars. I should be actively marketing myself to black males, ages 25 to 35 with a median income.of 75,000 dollars but that is a whole nother story.

Essentially, you serve as the product in this scenario and you are actively marketing yourself to consumers (ie. People you want to have sex with) on a regular basis A good deal of marketing yourself to a particular demographic is aesthetics. It’s a matter of packaging. You want to make yourself appealing to your target consumer.....

Packaging is what gets consumers interested in the product and should give the consumer some idea of what the product is like.

Take this fine young lady for example..... She might not be marketing herself appropriately to her target demographic.

Her target demographic is most likely males ages 16-18, yet she is quite possibly attracting Myspace stalkers, ages 25-50….

What it breaks down to is a simple equation of What you want vs. What you can get and conversely What wants you vs What you are willing to accept. But all bullshit aside : The bubble theory came along as a last recourse for long ass conferences. My desire to avoid actual substantive conversation was so great that I made up my very first people math.

It essentially is a Venn diagram. Your bubble represents the traits and skills you have. The traits part is character, physical, and personality.

Other potential partner’s bubble represents traits that they want. The overlaps, is what you possess plus what they like. The bigger this overlap, the greater the likelihood of sexual interaction.

Your bubble is fairly static. Who you are can only change so much......I got into an argument about this with a manager at FedEx while in the process of telling him to kiss my fuckin ass for charging so much just to copy shit (their markup is insane).

He argued that you could in fact change your bubble. See, back in college, he wanted to fuck Erica, cuz Erica was fine as hell, but Erica paid him no attention.....Until he pledged Kappa. Next thing you know, he is serving Erica dick on the regular.... So he must have changed his bubble right?

Bullshit. He's being one-sided cuz if he had looked at Erica’s bubble alil closer he would have realized that her bubble blatantly said in bold ass letters "WILL FUCK KAPPAS" and though his bubble didn’t change, he did manage to camouflage his bubble in crimson and cream. True, he was hitting it, but she was fuckin the concept of an entire organization more so than him....

This apparently blew his day and possibly his life, not to mention made he rethink all of his interactions that he'd had with women after he crossed Kappa. I knew this would happen but he looked so happy and cocky about have given the D to Erica, I really felt the need to impart some truth on his ass. Also, he was raping me on the bill, and looked just that much more upset when he saw the corporate discount I got.....

This was by far my first foray into bullshit fucking People Math. It got me through many a conference many times over and I have to say… Bullshit or not, it sounded good when I spit that shit. and I guess in the long run, thats all that really mattered.

Who doesn’t love a Kappa Man?


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