Dear Period:

Dear Period:
Fuck you. I asked you for one thing. One fucking thing and you couldn't hold me down.

Fuck you. You're dead to me.


Mrs. Mary Mack said…
LMAO!!! Sorry..
Nola Darling said…
LMMFAO... yeah... this has sooo happened to me on many occasions... Yeah... little red can be a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeal B-I-T-C-H...
Crystal said…
LOL! Awww I'm sorry.
SNM said…
You do realize there are pills for that, right?
~J-Skittle~ said…
it is tooo late. i am assed out. i have a plan tho....
Lex Thousand said…
lol... a period and a plan...
Amber-Alert said…
well hey if pigs can roll in mud u can fuck in blood lol lol

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