All about love. AKA I don't know shit

I got tagged. Essentially getting tagged is the Blog equivalant of a fuckin chain letter, but I figured, fuck it..... So Amber Alert and Everyone needs a little TLC....... Here it goes.
First here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 weird/random facts about urself
3. Tag 7 random ppl at the end of your post and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

here goes nothin:
1. I've Never been to a Professional Basketball Game.
College. Yes.
High School. Yes.
But in both cases I was messing with someone on the team and they liked it when I showed up. I always brought a book. Always. Try reading Ayn Rand at a basketball game. It is odd.

Actually, I only realized this today, cuz I got asked out to a basketball game with a guy who makes me laugh, and smile. I shall go. Sans book.

2. Ashley is my New Ungay Gay Wife.
Yup. She isn't gay. But neither am I. We working out the kinks in this thing. Ashley and I movin to one of them gay friendly states and doin tha damn thing. We got alotta shit in common. So I figure, our gay ungay marriage might have a chance.

3. I Love Love Love Love Love Sarah Joncas.
Her work is awesome.

4. Species was an ok Movie. Species 2, still not that bad. Species 3 Horrific.

5. I got a really weird text the other day. It basically said "I heard them read your letter on the Russ Parr show and I just wanted to tell you that you beautiful no matter what they say."
  • First off, I would never write the Russ Parr show. Ever. I actually can't even listen to it. Sentimental reasons. So I listen to the Donny Simpson show instead. I actually kinda like it.

  • The thought that I would bare any modicum of myself on a national fucking syndicated radio show is hilarious. You apparently don't know me at all.

  • But the tone of your text implies that you feel that you know me really well. Let me clarify by saying this: THat is my newest pet peeve. People acting like they know me better than I know myself. You cannot know me better than I know myself. Actually the person who knows me best in this world is EVE. Point blank. Everyone else.... just plain in the dark. Yeah.

So no. I didn't write the Russ Parr Show and that text was so fuckin whack it was ridiculous and if 1 more person implies that they have glimpsed into my soft cookie dough heart Im gonna assault someone. There is noooooo soft gooey center and the implication of such makes me want to vomit. It is more gay than my ungay gay marriage.

6. Ashley and I realized the other day that I don't know what Love is. Hmmmmm.
Possibly all my ideas about love come from Outkast albums....
Which brings me to my final point:

7. I dont get Love. We established that yesterday.
Which is why my essential dating strategy is as follows: You stay with someone until you can't anymore. Even if it hurts. You stay til the thought of staying hurts more than the thought of leaving and when that day comes, you leave. That's it. I don't know love. But I do know aversion to pain.

But in the end it comes down to this: You can only shit in a rose garden so many times before it starts to stink. Even the nicest relationship can only take so much damage. Even the sweetest person can only put up with so much. And when that day comes when they cant take no more.... Its a wrap. Its over. And when that day comes, there are no tears, no frustration. You did it. You tried and there's nothing left to try for.

Now as required I tag mofos. Imma try and tag people who aint been tagged before....... Here it goes:

Inside my Mind
Papitos Way
The Karrie B
Things to do today... Get up... Survive... Go back to bed...

FIN. (Imma start answerin my phone like this : It's Britney Bitch!)


Amber-Alert said…
it wasnt that bad now was it??? lmao @ the no soft and gooey center comment...

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