Today I made the decision.... Kiss my fucking ass.

Today I made the decision

Well technically it was yesterday… But anyway…

I have been kicking around the idea of Law school/ Grad school for a few weeks now. I think I’d like to do both…. But a conversation on Friday where my boss said that I needed a better reason for going to school besides the fact that I fuckin feel like it, made me determined to continue my education just cuz I fuckin feel like it.

I will attend both grad and law school for many of the same reasons I took my retarded ass to college.

I went to college for numerous random ass reasons.
  1. I didn’t have shit else to do.
  2. People told me I wasn’t going to go to college and I love proving assholes wrong.
  3. College was really easy….

  • While at college I learned random shit.
    1. How to argue down teachers.
    2. How to bullshit my way through life.
    3. Fool-proof excuses for lateness (i.e. Extremely detailed descriptions of diarrhea)

  • Ok. Maybe not the same reasons....
    But I refuse to have someone tell me that the only good reason to go into law or to bother with a grad degree is when you have this benevolent desire to help people.

    Once again Altruism, selfless acts... Bullshit. The people I know who sit around and argue hardest that they are "Good People" tend to be the ones doing the most fucked up shit and are just better at rationalizing it than others.

    So Imma go to grad school & Law school for the following reasons:

    1. Cuz motherfuckers said I wouldn't or couldn't.
      You bitches said the same thing about college. Fuck you. Suck my dick. In and out in 4 years. Don't ever tell me I can't do something.... I hang tough like the New Kids on the Block.

    2. Cuz they said I wouldn't or couldn't because I don't have to study that hard. Don't hate. I have a photographic memory, I'm charismatic, I argue well and I get concepts quickly.....

    3. Cuz I wanted to be a lawyer since I was a kid....
      "Cuz You're never wrong if you argue correctly."

    4. Cuz I'm bored. and when I'm bored I am a danger to myself and others....
      Trust me on this one. the most reckless shit I've done in my life - all direct products of boredom.

    5. I look really hot in suits. Skirt suits... I be killin em...
      Really I do.

    6. I like to say shit like "I object."
      I might start using it in the kitchen and the bedroom. You never know.

    7. I could move back to GA and get that in state tuition.
      4000 in tuition..... nothing wrong with that.

    8. Its time I do something new.
      Nick's getting married. I should do something with my life, and getting knocked up with someones fetus... not too likely or pleasing when I think about it...cuz kids are bad and costly.

    9. I get depressed when I have too much free time....
      and apparently, tho I cannot build a tolerance to my pills, I can be in situations where my depression overshoots the capabilities of my pills. One way or the other.... I gotta go do something... fo I gets to being sad... "Get busy living or get busy dying"

    10. I date douches......
      Cept when I'm in school. When I'm in school, I be bout schoolin.... but when I have free time I either date men who are deep in my ass or men who think I should just be able to take my pills and then they disappear, real hands off like..... These pills ain't magic. It's science and it takes management of my meds, interpersonal relationships and environment to keep things in check. I don't need to be hugged all the time but I do need someone who gets this or at least takes the time to Google my condition and my meds so they know what they are dealing with. So until I can find that person (or someone who can pretend to give a fuck), I'd be better off just sittin round learnin new shit.

    11. Though other people may want it more, I have just as much right as they do to waste all my fucking money at schoolin that I may never use
      And so long as I continue to take classes and don't ever apply for graduation, I should be able to defer that shit for forever....F U Government.....

    12. I'm so bored that I can either go to grad school, pick up a drug habit, hook, or strip to fill my extra hours...
      Hooking and stripping could fill out those hours and be quite lucrative but I think that in the long run, grad school might have more benefits. Oh and drug habit? That's just an all round horrible idea.

    13. There are a handful of guys who keep on asking me out and rather than telling them that I am always busy with work, I can tell them that I'm studying.
      That shit is an excellent reason to not date em.

    14. If I get a Law degree and a Masters in Public Policy, You can't tell me shit.
      None of you motherfuckers. I'd be able to write my own fucking ticket. I would dominate shit and I could get right back to my goal of buying and selling people who feel self righteous enough to believe that they "cant be bought". I don't know that I ever really wanted to be rich, but if I can luck into it, make it seem effortless and inadvertently garnering hatred by making your life look difficult and shitty in comparision..... Good shit. I likes it when it looks Easy.....

    So in conclusion, Imma go home. Imma study... Then Imma buy and sell your soul..... Thank you and Goodnight...


    Amber-Alert said…
    hehehe thats why i just started grad school...cuz i could and to defer them loans. the lsat aint as bad as people make it out to be either...
    Mrs. Mary Mack said…
    LOL- Grad school was kind of fun...looking into Ph.D programs now, and like Amber said deferring those loans is worth the pain of studying! Your boss might just be a bit of a hater (just a tiny bit)

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