Preemptive Vasectomies

Preemptive Vasectomies…

I have discussed marrying no less than 5 people. I am still not married. I was thinking that this was a bad thing, but then I read one of my favorite bloggers pieces "I’m in love with someone else” and realized that not only is this not a bad thing, this is a very very good thing. Love is apparently for suckers and I think I’ve done it one too many times to want to be bothered with that which isn’t the real thing.

Like one of my other favorite bloggers wrote
Do I miss "it"? [It being what truly was there] Na... When things don't have truth, they lack substance and feelings are fleeting. Do I miss what I thought I had? Who wouldn’t? Happiness is blissful, but so is ignorance, and I prefer to be in the know.

If it ain’t real, it ain’t worth the time, energy or the “Talks”. (Side note: I’m putting a moratorium on “Talks.” No more fucking “Talks”. Talks are a BS by product of misunderstandings that result from ineffective communication during a relationship and I’m not “dating” again til Jayz Really retires…. Black album my ass….)

I am becoming weary of this Bullshit ass trend. Start seeing someone casually. They decide they want to own it…. End up in a relationship, because when I am getting something I enjoy regularly and people threaten to take it away, I will relent to just about anything (secret, women aren’t the only ones who withhold sex), End up embroiled in the infatuation stage…which lasts about 2 months… and then that shitty 3rd month comes along and badda boom, it’s a wrap.

I think I’ve had 2 serious long term relationships in my life. Drum roll please.

Charles Hmmmm, 8 years on and off….. Charles is the reason why I refuse to buy a house actually. I remember when everyone said “You can’t lose if you invest in real estate”. This used to be true.

In the 90’s.

Now, not so much so. Charles owned 3 houses… Count it. 1, 2, 3…. This sounds ideal. Live in 1. Rent out the other 2 and use the surplus in rent to subsidize the mortgage on the one you live in. Except when your tenants are assholes, you have to fight them for your rent money, you got all of your houses during the “subprime lending” fiasco, and now you can’t afford Spaghettios. You end up broke, lose all three houses (which were really shithole tear downs in the first place) and end up moving to Canada (last I heard…).

Fuck that. I’d rather rent until I’m engaged and plotting on some rugrats…
True - Charles was in debt.
True - He was not a winner.
True-He cheated on me with a 16 year old….

But I was one of those “If you love someone, you stick with them through thick and thin” type people and shit repeatedly got thin with him. But I loved the fact that he was human. He wasn’t infallible. He made mistakes. Lots of mistakes… I had to let that go. Thankfully I did not end up with that one….

There was one I should have married. Nick. Nick was great.

Everytime I hear this song, he comes to mind.. I let him go. And I lost the one I dubbed “The good boyfriend”.

Eventually, I'll find the right one. Right now I’m just interested in having a lil bit of fun with the Mr. Wrongs.

Enjoying the Mr. Wrongs apparently comes with some level of responsibility…

I have recently been informed that it is my duty as a sexually active woman to be on birth control…. I shun birth control for the following reasons:

  1. Birth control makes me bitchy.
    More bitchy than usual…..

  2. I gain 15 pounds outright.
    And not just in fun places like my breasts and ass. In un fun places… no thank you.

  3. When I first tried birth control, I had warning signs for a stroke.
    I got the first migraine of my life which laid me out and I had to get a pain killer shot in my ass at the ER because I couldn’t stand up or see or anything.

    The doctors told me that I had to cease the birth control immediately….


  4. Birth control does not stop STDs.
    My best friend in high school started taking birth control right before she went to college. She was elated at the fact that she couldn't get pregnant. She forgot that there are worse things than pregnancy. Pregnancy only last 9 months…. Some STDS are forever.

Not using birth control ensures that I wrap it up every time. Every time. Keep it safe. Use the condom pullout combo method….

Or… There is always the preemptive vasectomy as a backup method. Its reversible and I just don’t see why I have to be solely responsible for the backup method. That, my friend, is not sexual equality… Hey, you get a vasectomy; I’ll get on the pill…. That way we both make some sacrifices…

Working on a new format. Stay tuned… It just might be awesome…


Mrs. Mary Mack said…
"...I’m not “dating” again til Jayz Really retires…. Black album my ass….)" LMAO!!!! When the right one comes it smacks you in the face and makes you WANT to get the meantime Birth control itself sucks, but Lawd it's great if you don't want to end up with some assholes ugly baby!

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