Where can I get me one of them Cambodian Babies I heard so much about?

I woke up this morning, completely devoid of a sex drive.... This shitty occurrence will result in the following:
  • Less sex for me.
  • Less interesting blogs for you.

While I was home, I sat and talked with my brother about all kinds of shit.

I came to the following conclusion: I think that it is not possible for me, at this phase in my life, to have a relationship. The mere thought of it gives me a panic attack, hence the lack of sleep last night resulting in eye crust to go along with my overwhelming sense of impending doom that seemed to coat the entire morning.

This is possibly why Plan A is always referred to as Plan A. He requires little to no energy, is easy to be around and talk to, plus bonus points for the fact that when it is all said and done ~ We part ways. Like "See ya when I see ya! Deuces" and that's that. And it's worked quite well for a minute so why fuck it up if it ain't broken.....

I'm edging on 26 and I don't feel 26. I feel just as dumb and impetuous as I did at 19. The only difference is that the government feels that I am old enough to purchase and consume liquor. I disagree. I am nowhere near close to being responsible enough to be intoxicated.

The older I get, the clearer some things have become:

  • It seems that the older I get, the more I miss my family and wish I could be around them more. Arriving home last night, I distinctly did not want to be here. Same with waking up. I wish I were back in New Jersey.

  • The older I get, the more I can Relate to Mary J. Blige songs. And not the crying "Waiting to Exhale" type songs..... Nope.

    Like Mary J. Blige "Just fine" That type of shit.
    So I like what I see when I’m looking at me
    When I’m walking past the mirror
    No stress through the night, at a time in my life
    Ain’t worried about if you feel it
    Got my head on straight, I got my mind right
    I aint gonna let you kill it
    You see I wouldn’t change my life, my life’s just fine!

  • Also, the older I get, the less I want to hear Beyonce or Keyshia Cole sing about someone shitting on their heart. Nor do I wanna hear about upgrading someone. I don't wanna upgrade you. I don't want you to upgrade me. I just wanna chill....

  • The older I get, the more apparent it becomes that Ex 07 was too younglike. And Ex 08 was entirely too old like. I'm giving up and getting some cats and one of them Cambodian babies....

  • The older I get, the more I realize that I like my life better when I am single. Also, I like myself better as one of one, rather than one of two. Perhaps it's cuz I'm a loner. Perhaps it's cuz I'm meant to be a solo artist. Perhaps it is merely because I don't like the other halves that end up as part two of two in my duets.

  • The older that I get the more I dislike judgmental people. I don't like people who judge me or judge others or judge themselves. And I still am not a fan of guilt.

  • The older I get, the more I realize : You can suck a cheaters dick every hour on the hour...... He's still gonna cheat. It's like trying to keep a duck outta water...... Honestly, its a waste of effort, suction and neck motion. Never waste the Hands free swallowing on a man who has to wander from his commitments.

  • The older I get, the more I realize, Some compliments will never feel ok to me.
    I was at the rest stop yesterday:
    Strange NJ Guy: Hello!
    Me: Hey?
    Strange NJ Guy: Very nice hips
    Me: Wow. Really?
    Ummm no. Not sexy. at all.

  • Every year, I start off single. Summer comes around and I find someone and fall into some kinda sex haze. Then Pussy coveting pops off and I get the bootleg ultimatum..... If i wanna keep hittin, I gotta make it official and lock it down. and thus it gets "Serious". Next thing you know, It's emotional bullshit. To futher this bullshit.... He says the L-word. It's the clincher.... Then it becomes like a reflex... 
    & I say it back because:

    It's automatic, like saying "bless you" when someone sneezes, or "sorry" if you bump into someone in a public area.

    Then it is insanely bullshit. Sooooo.... I'm thru. No more. No More. I'm through. stick a fork in me. Done.

  • The older I get, the more I realize that Plan A is hilarious. We talked about catching up before I left town, but I really had to get out of town.
    So I said, "Sorry, I gotta get out of town."
    Plan A replies, "Don't Apologize to me. Apologize to your Vagina..."

I guess, It's always something.... I should invest in Tivo. Imma go study now. Ill recap the debauchery from my birthday after.


Amber-Alert said…
think u just need to find the right "part 2 of 2 of ur duet" then u'll be just fine fine fine fine fine fine whewwwww! lol...i dont really like that MJB song but i cant help but sing along whenever i hear it lol.
A said…
ditto. I think I will just copy and paste your post into my blog.

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