The Eastern Star Adventure (and assorted Randoms)

The Eastern Star Adventure
Okay, 1st off I got lost. Real talk. But only a lil bit. So I get there and the first thing I notice is that I am the only "Person of Color" there. Cool. Fine. It was alil like a family reunion with my Mom's side.

So I go to the bathroom and get distracted by the Meeting/Alter room. Not really sure what it was but I deeply felt like I shouldn't have been there. Still stared real hard tho... Whatev.

I go back to the main room, following the voiding of my bladder. We chit chat quite a bit with everyone. We (My coworker and I) are 2 of only four people there under 30. Interesting.

People keep on touching me in places that make me uncomfortable....

Like on both shoulders, like this:

Or on the small of my back. Like women in their 60's and 70's. These are spots that I consider to be my intimate spots so this shit is offputting.

The man next to me asked me who Kris Kringle was in relation to Santa Claus. I speculate that perhaps they are first cousins. Who knows?

This woman to the right keeps on saying she is gonna ask Santa for booze. We talk in general terms and I deftly avoid a discussion about our new President, cuz I don't want to have to go all crazy on everyone's asses. Fuck it. I ate good food, lost a fuckin raffle for a afghan... I wanted that afghan. Real fuckin bad. But what you gonna do?

My coworker is about to join and people keep on asking me if I plan on petitioning for membership as well. I tell them that I can't, as I have no Masonic Affiliation. They keep on offering to hook me up with some Mason's. I ask if I can join if I'm just datin one or do I have to marry one... Apparently dating ain't good enough and tho the old white chicks were cool, they ain't cool enough for me to become betrothed for. Naw dude. They keep on telling me that I should ask my family, cuz you never know... I need you to know right now that my fathers side of the family is a mishmash of poverty, skeletons, and there most definitely are some criminals(Uncle Ronnie), and that One crackhead cousin.... yeah. My mom's side....alil convoluted as well. But apparently I have some mystery family in VA so who really knows.

  • My Mom has a boob lump. Not much to say there. Boob lump. Imma not smoke, cuz cancer is not okay. I ate alot of licorice instead today. Now I'm full of licorice.

  • I went to get on the bus the other day and this guy was waiting on the stairs by the bus stop:
    Guy: Mama, when u gonna let me do yo hair?
    Me: Umm No.
    Guy: Mmmm, and you got them Cat eyes. I like that shit. Meow!
    Me: Did you just Meow at me prior to 9am?
    Guy: Yeah. You a tweety bird. I love me a tweety bird.
    Me: Imma get on a bus now. Thanks.

  • Marriage: I keep on thinking about all the people I've dated and I realize that had I married any of the individuals that I thought about marrying (cept Nick), I would have most definitely woken up 5 years from now, cursing my life, fucking the pool boy and damning myself for marry a self absorbed, soulless asshole(not talkin bout any one in particular. Talking bout all of em).

    You can't marry someone who only thinks of themselves and what they want. Narcissism I can cope with. It's the lack of self examination that disgusts me. And honestly when I think about my exes (cept Nick) the words that I would use to describe them are not polite in the least.

    I may be a heartless venomous bitch but at least I recognize it. If you are a hateful, self absorbed, egotistical, insecure, overcompensating asshole; no amount of money or fame or women laying down with you for what you do rather than who you are will patch the deep hole inside of you. You will be empty and lost, and constantly dissatisfied. You will always be searching for satisfaction and you won't know what is missing or why, because you are incapable of introspection.

    And that is sadder than the fact that you are shallow and weak. That is the saddest thing of all. You can't even see the problem to fix it, so the problem remains and feeds on its self and you will continue to choose that which is easy because in the interim it is easier than fixing all the parts of you that are "broken. May I suggest that you read "The Road Less Traveled". Good book. Life changing even.

  • I am working on a couple of stories:
    • That time I was on Probation that time.
    • That time I flipped that car that time.
    • All the stripclubs I done seent : Full circle (A retrospective)

    Ummm I like writing stories they bring me joy.

  • My job is switching Health Care Providers. The new people do not cover my shrink. I'd rather leave my job than my doctor. Choices will soon be made. I wish I could just write full time. More adventures to come soon. I'd rather write those than Anything else honestly.

Feel free and read Strange Adventures. I think they are definitel more interesting than the run of the mill shit I throw out there.


Mrs. Mary Mack said…
I can say this without sounding racist since I'm a mutt--but white people are little too touchy feely sometimes.

I hope your mom's lump is nothing serious...just went through something very similar, so I know the anxiety associated with it.

4 years ago,I would've left my job before getting rid of my shrink too. LOL Money has never held more worth than my sanity.
Ms. Burt said…
I'm an Eastern Star... but I'm black. And most of the ones I know... are as well. Smooches

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