Anatomy of a Hustle (aka I slept all day)

So, I slept for about 14 hrs today. Seriously.

I got home last night and got a call from a guy who I am "not serious" with that went alil something like this:

"You won't believe what happened. See I paid my child support, but then they sent me a check calling it overage but now they are saying I owe it and there is a $500 dollar warrant out for my arrest but I put 3 on it and now all I need is this 200. So Imma be arrested if I don't get $300 dollars as soon as possible"

Don't be alarmed if there seemed to be a mathematical contradiction in that story. I didn't make a mistake. Those were his words, not mine.

Now, I just got paid today. So technically, I could give him this money. But I have a rule about bailing out men over 30 who habitually live beyond their means.

I don't. You got to read about the tragedy of EX 07.

Did you note that no where in that post did it mention that he owed me some ridiculous amount of money? That is because I already learned that lesson with "the one" .... It is my belief that if you choose to have illegitimate means of income, you should at least take pride in your work and be the best low life hustler possible. You should not be in debt, and you should never call me to supplement your bills. Which is why he is no longer allowed to call me. ever.

(Anatomy of a Hustle)
I'd heard hustle before and it often goes like this:
  1. Money is needed (due to circumstances outside of sed persons control)
  2. All other means of finding this money have been exhausted.
  3. But the money is only needed for a short period of time because....
  4. There is some huge deal in the works that will pay off very shortly and therefore not only will the money be returned but with interest (and perks)....

Hmmmm. Does this sound like one of those email money transfer scam things.....
Yeah. That's what it sounded like to me too. Not good.

I kindly let him know that I didn't have it and that I had too much on my mind, considering that my mom goes to the doctor for her mammogram on Friday and then her surgeon in early January. He said that if I didn't hear from him in the future, it is because he is locked up. Ok. fine. whatever.

Then he sat on my phone. Why?
I do not know. The silence was deafening and i was trying to figure out how to get off the phone. So I started praying.... Praying for a call. Any call.

And Giles answered my prayers....

I clicked over and said "OH MY GOD. Giles. You just saved my life....."

I made a few more calls and ended up in a coma.

I guess this whole "Lump in the Boob" thing has me more than a lil down. I am dealing but I really just slept for 14 hours. 14 hours. I woke up at 8amish and realized that I could not face today. Like at all.

I know that depending on the results of these tests, I will either be going down to Atlanta for her surgery or moving down to Atlanta permanently. I talked to Janey and she said what I'd been thinking; "You have to do what you feel you need to. You do what you'll be comfortable with so that when it is over, you are okay."

Janey is one of the best people I know. Her mother has had Alzheimers since we were in high school. She has stayed home to care for her mother and then her father had a heart attack so she had to help him as well. He is now back on his feet and doing well. We had to get off the phone last night so that she could put her mother to bed.

Last time I went to GA was to finish school and to be close to Aunt Mabel before she passed. I must say, it was time well spent. It made me realize the importance of family, of familial obligation and that it is emotionally and spiritually rewarding to do the right thing. I will wait out the next couple of months, pray for the best and see what lies ahead. If all is well, then great. If not, I know what I will be doing.

But I am glad I got that good rest. Also, I had the weirdest, longest dream. Think Tarantino. Think 14.5 hours of Tarantino. Yeah, lots of muscles, leather, motorcycles and eye patches. Not too cool.


Ms. Burt said…
Sometimes we need that sleep. And when down it is a great escape. You wanted to go back to school, do what you have to do when down there.

Although cliche, all things work for our good. Just be strong for your mom, make her smile and laugh... start by telling her the story about that interesting dude tryin to get an extra hundred for commensary. Have fun!!

Love you always and have fun this weekend!!
Anonymous said…
as per usual, u dropped knowledge , 'preciate it. my prayers and condolences to your mom. kali made a great point, if u end up going capitalize on that time off.take wonderful care of the mommy-muffin, and we know u will keep her spirits lifted. x0x0- jadorem0nique
Anonymous said…
Yizzo--had to stop and post at anatomy of a hustle! Laughin cuz i been hustled and that is the correct recipe. . .but never again mama! Lol--I shall continue reading now. . .

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