Sorry ass 7-11 type dudes.

Sorry ass 7-11 type dudes.

I gotta pay homage to Craigslist on this one… Honestly I do. When in doubt, check out this post.

If i had to choose between a Wawa and a 7-11.... Well, Wawa would win out 99.9% of the time.

Seriously. Look at it like this: Wawa is clean,, with fairly sober attendants. They make you fresh sandwiches and hold you down in the A.M. 7-11 … Not so much so…

711 is dirty. It really is like that “transvestite hooker that does that thing you like”….

Sometimes men fit into this equation.
Peep this:

Wawa men are the keepers… you introduce them to moms, take them to church (ie. Out in public) and let people know that you know them… Other men are like 7-11s.

7-11 men are the men you won’t take out in public…. Like dirty lil secrets……

Even tho you know Wawa has them sandwiches and good hygiene… sometimes… at 2am, you still want them shitty ass 7-11 nachos….

True, they give you a stomach ache… but you crave em none the less. Then you eat em and regret it…like “Damn. Wish I hadn’ta ate them fuck ass nachos with the unnatural ass orange cheese and the doodoo pile of meat leavins……” but it’s too late. You already ate it…

I gotta encourage all yall to be about them Wawa type mens….

Even tho them 7-11 dudes be temptin… like them transvestites that do that thing you like…… In the long run, is it really worth it?

Probably not…. Cuz eventually Wawa will get hip to the game and realize you two timin and quit takin yo check card… And if you had to lose one… trust and believe that you’d give up 7-11 before you give up them good ass wawa homemade sandwiches any mothefuckin day. I encourage you to be strong…

To quote “Nightwatch”
“It is easier to kill the Light within oneself, than to scatter the Darkness around...”

7-11 might be easier.... but it aint worth the indigestion, in the long run....

(Note to self: Drunk blogging = Whole nother level of ignant).


Hype Bigelow said…
Wawa has the bomb orange drink 4 real, taste like a natural, cleaner Kool-Aid. But Slurpees at 2 am rock!

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