My past 2 weeks have been primarily full of Bullshit.

I know, I know, I know. It's been a minute.

Let me try and run it back proper so you know what's been going on. I've been overwhelmed lately and left to stew in my own thoughts, so now I'm on the bus writing this while woman next to me keeps talking and I am trying to sufficiently ignore her while absentmindedly trying to figure out if she is talk to me, to herself or into one of them fuckin bluetoothes. Whatever.

Let me run it back to last Saturday.

I get a text asking me if I can write for an online social networking site. Ok, whatevs.

I'm honestly starting to hit my limit on these dudes talking bout they own they own business and point me to a social networking URL wit a fucked up GUI.

Real talk: User generated content in an online community with ad revenue as your main profit stream is on my last nerve. It's been done before. You're 10 years late and a shitty imitation at best. Meet an unmet need. Be original. Fuck!!!

After assessing their needs and expectations, we came up with decent terms and I draft a contract based on these terms at the guys behest. Then he turns around and talks to his business partner and realizes that, though they would like to work with me in the future, they don't have a budget to meet my pricing. The thing is... My pricing was based on prior conversations with him about budget and what they wanted. Not to mention they wanted me to push their site to yall, which is a no go. I would have writing under a pseudonym and the product wouldn't be something I was particularly proud of anyway.

All in all, I now have a staple boilerplate contract for future freelance work but I wasted 4 days of annoyance, the time it took to write a 250 word sample and I managed to generate 2 migraines dealing with an over-eager business man who had unrealistic expectations and no clue about his own budget.

Mostly I'm annoyed at how the whole "Will you write for my site?" was a bullshit as scheme to get me to answer phone calls after we went on traumatizingly bad date two weeks ago and I steady ignored his calls. Phone number deleted. Phone set to block all calls that are not in my phone book. Fuck off.

Needless to say, I am available for freelance work and am flexible with pricing. Also I am completely unwilling to work with them in the future. I got this standing policy about people who take up a lot of my time and result in no eventual dividends. Whatever.

Okay, now imma run it back again. Flashback to last Tuesday. I wake up with a familiar uncomfortable feeling. Can you guess what it was???

Yep. UTI!!! I woke up and had (gross out alert)..... blood in my urine. Awesome!

I immediately schedule to go to the doctor and when I get there, I have to pee. Now, I know I got one shot at this. They gonna need a pee sample and I've got urgency.... So iffin I'm goin, I'm goin now. I got a lil a sample cup and take the worst piss of my life.

Go in and talk to the doc about whether imma die or not. I figured I'd done kidney damage. It's entirely possible and I haven't always been good to my kidneys but apparently my kidneys are Ok. At this point it was only Tuesday and I'd already given up on life.

Never a good sign.

Friday I went to Jersey where I did the following:

Also, spent a good deal of time arguin with both my dad and my roommate about filters for the shop-vac. They insisted that you need the model number to make sure your getting the right one. I insisted that that was a load of crap and I could suss out the model number when I got to target based on the fact that I bought it at target and they only carry but so many. I came out victorious, winning by default. Target only had one shop vac filter and one paper screen. I didn't even need to employ deducery.

Oh So Sexy was in town and I just missed him. I arrived back Sunday night and made plans to hang with a friend. I'd bust out the details but I think imma keep these to myself for now. I'm still intrigued and I'd like to keep it that way rather than analyze it to death.

Monday, I went to work and was headed home on the bus when all hell broke loose. Apparently a FedEx truck hit a guy on one of them Kawasaki Asian death traps. I'm standing on the corner watchin this guy laying on his side convulsing. A nurse who was driving past comes on the scene and stabilizes his head while gettin an assist from random onlooker to roll "guy on bike" over. His tibia jutting out of his shin and bleeding profusely. Random onlooker guy is removing dudes helmet against the urging of the nurse to leave him alone. "Guy on bike" is coughing up blood and has bloody snot bubbles. I decide that "guy on bike" is probably gonna die. A doctor shows up and I wander off to my car.

Go to my P.O. Box and get my shoes.

I thought I was going to return them but I tried them on and fell in love. They were a bargain at $120 dollars. Whatever. Head over to my best friends house to hang and get sent home with a shitload of seafood.

Go to work on Tuesday and when I get home, I'm irate. I cursed out my roommate for cooking pasta and hot dogs in the same pot to which he responded, "I hate you Today!".

Headed upstairs to the back porch to eat crabs, hang out wit my homeboy "Murder Castle Dave" and drink beer. This leads to hours of chilling until...... our neighbor pops outside and asks us if we heard a crash.

We head around the corner and see the ridiculousness.

A drunk driver hit a jeep, which lost a tire and jumped a curb then hit a PT cruiser.... That shit took out Murder castle Dave's car which subsequently was rammed into the three cars in front of him. Yeah...

Its been an exciting/bullshittastic time. Ill be coming out with some randoms soon. Just been alil overwhelmed. Smooches!!!


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