Saving, Caking and Cuffin these Hoes....

Please note.... I got about 5 blogs that I just need to write. They are in progress, so I should be rolling out with a couple more in the next few days.

Ok, Before I even get into this, let me define a few things:
  • Hoe - Hoes is free... and Gods Gift like Xmas
  • Hookers - Hookers are Hoes that you pay to leave.
  • Escorts - Escorts are expensive hoes that you can take places. It's in their title. Escorts. They take people places.... Cuz Them Hoes is cultured and shit....

Now, on with the show....

My Dad asked me about the term "Captain Save-a-Hoe". He wanted to know why my brother and I used it. I had to explain to him, that hoes sometimes require saving... and if you save em once, you probably gonna hafta keep savin em. I said "Dad, iffin you throw on that cape once.. Hoe damsels in distress will stay fallin at yo feet for life."

Saving leads to resentment. My dad's thought was "Is it so wrong to help someone out? Say that they don't have enough to cover their rent and you give them a few dollars... Is that really that wrong?"

I had to explain to him that saving, caking and cuffing hoes is an illness... Hoe distress (or Hoestress) is not a temporary state of being. It is a constant.

Please dont confuse this with "Hoeing" in general. Hoeing is physics... Hoestress is the state of fucked up hoes who cant get they shit together. The actual problems might differ, but the fact of the matter is, there will always be some kinda problem.... Rent this month, car note next month, custody issues the month after that.

A couple of weeks ago, I woke up and saw that I had 6 or so phone calls from my homeboy. I finally get around to listening to my motherfucking voicemail and it is this random girl.

Story goes: Chick gave my homeboy a phone so he could handle business. He texted me to ask if he could come through the crib. I let him know that I had a migraine and that I felt sick. He then offered me a massage. I decline (cuz since when has a fuckin massage ever helped a migraine).

Well, the girl texts me and lets me know that "Her man ain't rubbin on no one but her." Then she left a voice mail saying something to the effect of "Sorry to hear that your sick but i feel like only licensed professionals should be giving you massages and shit..."

The above is an example of the emotional shrapnel caused by caking. Had she not bought him a phone, she would have no right to be mad about how he used or misused the afformentioned phone. She could have avoided displaying the effects of "Dumb Bitch Syndrome" on my phone at 6 AM. Who the fuck kirks out at 6am??? Get it together.

It really comes down to control. She bought the phone for him because it would serve as a means to making him indebted to her, while she could outwardly seem generous.

In reality, it didn't quite work out that way and in the end, she ended up makin crazed phone calls.

Lesson: Give wholly of yourself. If you are giving with the intent of having someone owe you in the end or be obligated to you, it invariably has the opposite effect. They will take, then they will take it for granted and they will feel entitled to more.

Cakin.... is for bakers. Bakers and dumb Bitches. Get your game up.

You must be used to me spendin
And all that sweet winin and dinin
Well I'm fuckin you tonight


Anonymous said…
I always motivated by you, your views and way of thinking, again, appreciate for this nice post.

- Norman

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