You should totally fuck more people....

So, while in the talks for monogamy, this open relationship shit keeps coming up. Let me say this: stating that you are being monogamous because you love someone and want to protect that love is a crock of shit. Cuz if you "Love" someone, you would want them to be happy and honestly, sometimes, for someone to be happy, they need to fuck other people....

One of my personal faves, Oh So Sexy, just got out of a relationship type thing... But while in this relationship type thing, he and I still pursued carnal pleasure for one main reason : the girl was nice but she wasn't bringin it in the bedroom... And you can be the nicest bitch in the world but if you can't clench yo pussy muscles...He just might stray. And honestly I'm glad they broke up,, cuz that guilt was puttin a damper on "that work".... Damn Catholicism

But we got engrossed in a conversation about what you can do when your mate aint bringin it in the bed but you still want to stay monogamous:
  1. Teach em.

    You can teach em. But keep in mind... Iffin you teach em, you get no more surprises in the bedroom, and surprises are the best shit about the grownup dance. Plus, if they do come home with a new trick, your first response is gonna be "Fuck you learn that new shit from? Who you fuckin?"

  2. Send em off in the world to fuck more people....

    But keep in mind, when they come back, you bound to be suspect and heated bout they new freak skillset. Where the fuck they been? And who they learn that freak shit from? Ron Jeremy?

One way or the other, you gonna end up heated. My advice to the world.... Fuck more people and keep your number a secret... Under punishment of death... Cuz he may love the way you suck his balls, but he sure don't wanna know where you learned that shit.


Kookie said…
Amen... Nothing beats experience. If we live in a world where we believe Mary was a pregnant virgin its safe to say you can advertise yourself as a porn star virgin (you just happen to know how to split, bend, tighten etc etc)and that can be your story and stick with it. No need to share who and how many...that's back where? back there. in the past.
simone_dior said…
lmao, esp the last sentence.
for right now, im anti-monagamy, so i'm totally feeling this right'chea. can't wait for the miami recap!
Dope Fiend said…
My circle of friends, acquaintances, and straight fuckable males is too small to fuck around I'm telling you.

I just can't.
Dope Fiend said…
My circle of friends, acquaintances, and straight fuckable males is too small to fuck around I'm telling you.

I just can't.

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