Tidbits of the day.. thanks Facebook.

Posted this morning on Facebook:
I overslept Today
I overslept today. I was dreaming about sex and shoe shopping. It was much more fulfilling than waking up for work and thus I continued.

I made it into the office and baby talk commenced. I think that talking about babies (my coworker just made one) can spread pregnancy like SARS. I am convinced that he is trying to get me pregnant by talking about those baby backpack things..... I shall avoid talking to him from here on out.

Arrrggggh. Work.

Posted this afternoon on Facebook:

Lesbian sushi. (aka Id rather be napping)

Id rather be napping. Im tired. I wish things were different and they aint. I need to get my zen on. Funny thing is, the minute i put down my skepticism, everything flip flopped and became fuckery. Soooooo back to the skepticism. Back to the books. Back to nappin and learnin and working and nappin some more. and an Lword marathon. Nothing turns a frown upside down as fast as lesbians. Nope. Lesbians and sushi. My fail-safes.

Greggggggg is gone take me to the MOOOOOOVvvies.
We gone tongue kiss in the back row and proceed to make illegitimate babies.

Jason turns me on. Yay Friday the thirteenth.


Greg said…
Oww! even though the tongue kissing didnt take place, we had FUNNNN! HEYYYY!

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