Dont kill me with your funstick (I folded. 25 things about my ass)

1. I don’t like it when my tax dollars go to any of the following:
a. abstinence only sex education
b. charter schools
c. The war on drugs
Nothing personal, just saying tho. I also hate social security. I'm evil like that.

2. I have a cashmere teddy bear whom I have appointed as my “Nap Bear”. It is his job to watch over me as I sleep.

3. Deer are scary. Real scary. Scarier than lions and tigers and shit cuz I see deer on a regular basis and the menacing “Ill fuck you up” looks that they throw at me are terrifying.

4. I just realized that some people are just going to be vexations and that I should avoid them at all costs. Some people are just straight bad. They give out bad, the take in bad and they radiate that shit…

5. I HAAAATTTTTTEEEE it when people who I am not very close to call me by names that suggest familiarity. Guy hit me up this morning talking about “Hey sexy”…. So I veto’d that and he come back with “ok beautiful”… That’s creepy. We don’t know each other and you sound like a molester. Then he asked me for a date and I declined (I'm real busy and digging Muppet lovin right now) and he de-friended me. Good riddance.

6. I am not all about chocolate. Ill fuck up some peanut butter tho.

7. Erian got me addicted to crepes.

8. I have an interesting history. 2005 – 2007 were real weird. Shit only got normal around 2008 and have been fairly straight since then.

9. I have an asshole magnet in my left butt cheek. I attract a lot of psychos. I am more than alil nervous about people trying to kill me with "funsticks".

10. One of my favorite shows of all time is “Most Evil”. This guy sits around with his “Scale of Evil” and ranks serial killers. The scale goes up to 22 and I just think it’s the most fascinating show.

11. I have 3 DVD racks and 1 big Cd booklet full of DVDs.

12. I really want a brownstone in DC with a 2 car garage and just enough grass to play in but not so much that it is a pain to mow.

13. I just got into shoes. I only really got into clothes in 2005.

14. I don't particularly enjoy it when people do or say something and automatically think it will end up in my blog. I hate it even more when they ask “will this be in your blog”. Some shit is just for me. I only recently learned that.

15. I sincerely hope that the things that I am working on pan out…..

16. My last ex taught me a lot about relationships. We weren’t at all compatible but he did teach me about the necessity of communication and the importance of having 2 people actively trying to make things work. I am better for that and I am grateful.

17. I get sleepy around 4pm every day.

18. I am actually content right now. I like my life. I looooovvvveeee my roommate and I have terrific friends and family. I am well compensated at my job and I can eat crepes daily if I desire.

19. I have been having chest pains daily. Not huge ones, but annoying enough that I go “ow, my heart.” I need to go to the doctor.

20. I haven’t had a real “Physical” since 2001. I really need to go to the doctor. I have excellent blood pressure tho.

21. I take Wellbutrin to keep me peppy. It works 99.9% of the time. I would recommend that no one contact me during the 3 days prior to my period. I am hateful at those times and its probably best not to harass me.

22. One of my exes found me on myspace. He seems pleased to have located me. I am less than pleased. He sucked then. I left. Gave it a round two. Left again. There will be no round 3.

23. I just recently got obsessed with cupcakes. THEY ARE TINY CAKES... INDIVIDUAL CAKES. 1 for me.... 1 for you... 1 for everybody...

24. I love waking up to someone kissing on my back. It’s the best thing ever. EVER.

25. I cant date super creative types. Musicians, artists, poets… it never works. Ever. Yet I’ve dated quite a few. Its like alcoholics. I know it wont work out, but sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.


B Harg. said…
amen to 24.
& to God be the glory. lol
Mrs. Mary Mack said…
send me youe email address.

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