Had a Baby, Life changed.

My life is drastically different from before. I got married and I had a baby.... Yeah, yeah. I know I wasn't about having a baby per se but I settled down with the man with whom I'd been traveling, working and spending free nights watching T.V. We have a house with a yard and a pretty adorable baby.

I was right about some things. She was a big ole parasite and I do mean big. Born 10 lbs, 1 ounce vaginally. I am on maternity and will be writing a bit about my mothering in the mean time so sit back and enjoy the ride.

Here is the section for the disclaimer: This is not a "Mommy Blog". It is a blog that is going to have some mommy shit on it because I am now a mom. This is, by no means, an exhaustive list of mommy shit and I am not a doctor. If you have a concern about something, go to a doctor, not fucking Google.


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