Things I learned while studying for the Lsats

I feel like this time that I've spent studying has given me a quiet spot in my mind to reflect on things.

  • When I say "You'll be alright" to someone I'm breaking up with or breakin things off with, I don't really mean "You'll be alright". What I really mean is "Ill be alright". I'm gonna start saying "we'll be alright" because we will. Its never that serious. It truly isn't.

  • I am combatting my desire to be fawned over. That shits like heroine. I like it a lot, til I OD on it. There's a such thing as too much, you know.

  • I'm reading "Eat Pray Love" because I haven't read enough and I need upliftment, like people in jail need "Rape-Off". It has made me want to do all three. And This part stuck with me. "There are only 2 questions that human beings have ever fought over, all throughout history. How much do you love me? And Who's in charge?"

  • I have control issues. I want to control everything. God thinks that shits hilarious

    I was praying the other day not to end up sitting next to this elderly woman on my flight. I'd seen her waitin for the flight and she was utterly confused. Like early onset dementia or Alzheimer's confused. I prayed sooooo hard not to end up next to her, with her endless questions and confusion.

    I board my flight and see the man behind me with his son. The man was discussing with the flight attendant how he would hopefully be able to trade seats so that they could be next to each other. And.... On walks the elderly woman. She was supposed to sit behind me, but with the seat change, she was next to me. Sigh... God laughs.

    I helped her put on her seat belt, and stow her bags. I reminded her to get the bag she checked at the gate and helped her with her snack options. I even buttoned her jacket when her fingers wouldn't quite work right.

    I figure if God seated her next to me, he was probably tryin to teach me something.... She was a pretty nice old lady, now that I think about it.

  • Even the strongest man can't be a man if you're unwilling to step aside and let him do his thing.

  • I want to give more and take less. Be more sensitive w my words. Talk less and listen more.

  • I am smarter than I thought.

  • I take for granted the compliments I receive. Many women would love to hear they are beautiful and I hear it and shrug it off.

  • Also, it takes a lot for men to compliment a woman and I shouldn't diminish their man bravery or efforts.

  • I am not as fat as I thought.

  • Antidepressants literally saved my life.

  • Fuck you. I don't care if pretty woman is about a prostitute. That shit was cute.

  • Tho Dirty dancing is still shite. A horrible allegory for a young womans coming of age

  • I woke up. Several times. Both literally and metaphorically

  • I finally learned to recognize when my needs surpassed the limitations of any given situation and to leave. The leaving is an old trick, but the leaving for the right reasons is kinda new to me.

I think all this has spurred a need in me to think more and live more in my own quiet. I also suspect that at the end of this, I might decide that I don't want to go to law school after all. And that's totally cool with me.


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