The Shit I Hate About DC
I have actually managed to make up with everyone. Kisses exchanged and sammiches snacked on... All is well. Still studyin to leave tho.... Lemme expound on one thing for yall.... I hate Anonymous compliments. Especially when theyre negative. Real talk. MAN THA FUCK UP. If you hate my blog... dont read it. If you don't like what I say, Kick fuckin rocks. And if you have some shit to say.. At least have the balls to sign that shit. I got a comment on my last blog that said: THIS ENTRY SUCKS! What happened 2 all your sleeping around & the partying & the crazy stories. I was thoroughly disappointed by this one. If u hate DC so much then GET THE FUCK TO THE NEXT CITY! We don't want u anymore anyway if you're going 2 be a bore & have no more fun stories to offer. And you know what.... You're correct. I'm sorry my life cant live up to your expectations. I'll be sure to get caught up in a gangbang this weekend while bumpin Wale and Backyard to make up for...